Sunday 10 March 2013

Skin care regime...(kind of!)

Excuse the poor excuse of a photo! My phone is charging so had to use my webcam and this is the result...oops!

I've never had a skincare routine but luckily I have never had any drastic skin care problems either. However, recently I noticed my skin had taken a turn for the worse so I decided to do something about it!

I'm not going to claim to have perfect skin now, in fact it is far from it but it has really improved! I am definitely no skin care expert, nothing I am using is expensive or high end but it is really working for me and that's all that matters.

I used to use face wipes to take my make up off at the end of the day (massive no-no I know!) but now I use Botanics Cleansing Foam Wash. I apply it all over my face at night and I then brush my teeth. By the time I've done my teeth the wash has worked its magic and I wash it off to clean skin! I wear quite a lot of mascara so sometimes have to do a second round on my eyes but it does not irritate my eye area at all which is brilliant.

I then use Johnsons Face Care Night Oil Balancing Gel Cream All Over. This makes my skin so so SO soft and smooth and it just melts into my face. Once this has sunk in I use...SUDOCREM. Sudocrem is a antiseptic healing cream most commonly used for nappy rash but it works wonders on spots! I tend to break out on my forehead and chin (my most oily areas) but a dab of sudocrem works wonders! even when my skin is clear I tend to dab a bit on my problem areas anyway out of habit!

In the morning I use Soap & Glory Peaches & Clean Deep Cleansing Milk. This is very gentle and leaves my skin feeling ultra clean. I prefer to use this on a clean base rather than to take make up off as it is less heavy duty. After this I use Ponds Cold Cream. THIS STUFF IS IMMENSE! I read in a magazine years ago that some celebrity or other swears by this cream so I bought some and it really is lovely. it is SO rich but sinks in beautifully and leaves a smooth, hydrated base ready for make up.

And that's it! As I said my routine is very quick, simple & effective. I have seen such a difference in my skin and it is looking so much better.

Anyone else prefer a no frills approach to skin care? or do you love high end lotions and potions? LET ME KNOW!


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